Clogged drain pipes are one of the most annoying and common plumbing problems, and there may be several reasons for it, such as hairs, residue, and dirt. Clogged drain pipes also became the reason for drain choke and floor trap choke because the accumulated dirt and residue didn’t allow water to clear properly. You have to keep an eye on this because this may become a major plumbing concern.
Almost every one of us faces the problem of the clogged drainpipe, floor trap choke, and drain choke, but most of us don’t know how to fix these problems easily and effectively. The following article will describe the easier ways to unclog a drain choke or a floor trap choke.
Ways to Unclog Floor Trap Choke in Singapore
The following are some of the most accessible home remedies that can be done by anyone to fix these common issues.
Prepare the tools
To clear the floor trap choke and drain choke, the most crucial step is to get the right tools. Usually, the basic reason for clogging the pipes and traps are the pieces of hair and dirt. So, if you find that water is not draining out, then you should first use a plunger to drain the water. People also use other home remedies tips and homemade solutions to clear the pipes, such as baking soda, vinegar, and lemon.
Use cleaning solutions
In case if you can’t clear the drain with a plunge, then cleaning solutions help you. You can make a cleaning solution at home with vinegar, baking soda, and lemon that will clear your pipe from dirt and residue. The home remedy starts with putting hot water into the clogged pipe and then adding half a cup of baking soda into it and leaving it for 10 minutes. Then add a cup of vinegar in hot water, put them down to the trap, and leave for 10 minutes. However, if the dirt and residue are accumulated there for a long time, this method will not work. In that case, the chemical drain cleaner will be the solution.
Have a plunger
A plunger is a very effective tool in the plumbing industry and is used at home to clear the choke pipes. To use it in the area of choke, uncover the lid or any obstruction on the pipe and fix a plunger to it. To make the air pressure, give some pumps; the air pressure will dislodge the choke enough to drain water.
Chemical drain cleaner
Using a chemical drain cleaner is a very easy method to get rid of drain chokes. Purchasing a drain cleaner will allow you to clean the drain choke regularly. Several types of drain cleaners are available in the market that are very effective and quickly clear drained pipes, floor trap chokes, and drain chokes.
Plumbing snake
A plumbing snake is the most common item used by plumbers to get rid of clogged pipes. A plumbing snake consists of a flexible coil of wire that can easily enter the pipe and clear it. When the pipe navigates through the drain or floor trap choke, it applies pressure, which causes the accumulated residue to break down into pieces and clear the drain.
Wet/Dry Vacuum Cleaner
A wet/dry vacuum cleaner is the same as the normal vacuum cleaner, but it is designed to work in the presence of water bodies. To use it, aim the vacuum pipe at the place, and it will suck all the waste. However, in the case of floor trap choke, the procedure will be a bit different. You have to remove the water first and then seal the surrounding area with a towel. It will help to create a powerful vacuum that will suck the clog out.
Call a professional plumber
If you are facing any problem related to plumbing that you think can’t be resolved by home remedies, then you can call a professional plumber. If you live in Singapore, we are providing you with our drain cleaning services that will help you to get rid of any type of plumbing issue. Our expert floor trap choke plumber also gives some advice so that you don’t face these issues again.
You may also read why you should hire a professional plumber for a clogged drain.
How to avoid floor trap choke or drain choke in Singapore?
Some several ways and tricks will prevent drain choke and floor trap choke. The following are some of the effective tips that will help you to avoid drain choke.
Regular maintenance
Regular maintenance is the surety that your drainage pipes will remain clean and clog-free. Pieces of hair and accumulation of dirt and residue are the main cause of clog in the drainage pipe. With the help of a professional plumber, you can regularly maintain your drainage pipes, and it will also prevent you from sudden plumbing issues.
Install a lint catcher on your washing machine
The small pieces of fabric are known as lint. Lint with other small items of the washing machine goes to the drainage pipe, causing a clog in the floor trap. Installing a lint catcher will help you avoid clog issues, and you can dispose of trapped materials in the lint catcher without harming the drainage pipe.
Install hair catchers
During the shower, hair and soaps go down to the drainage pipe and get stuck there, making a clog. Installing a hair catcher such as a wire mesh at the drainage pipe will all the hairs and prevent your drainage system. You can then dispose of the hairs and residue from the wire mesh easily.
Avoid dumping cooking oil in the sink
Cooking oil can change its liquid state to solid-state and cause clogging in the drainage pipe. If you pour cooking oil down in the sink, then it will create a lot of problems for you in the next few days. It will be stuck with the residue and dirt, making it difficult to clear the clogged drain pipe. Hence, to avoid all these problems, it will be better to avoid dumping cooking out in the sink.
Use anti-bacterial drain cleaners
The use of an anti-bacterial drain cleaner will help you get rid of all the organic matter such as hairs or dust that get stuck in the drainage pipe. Most bacterial cleaners are noncorrosive, so they will not harm your drainage pipes.
Need some plumbing help?
If you need professional plumbing services, you can count on Express Plumber Singapore. We provide a range of plumbing solutions. Our reliable plumbers are always ready to fix your plumbing issues especially when it comes to a clogged drain. Give us a call or message us on WhatsApp.